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Mckenna Catherine Friend

Mckenna Catherine Friend
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    Thanks for taking the time to look at my story!

    I was born right here in Miles City, Montana. Growing up I was involved in activities as soon as I was old enough to sign up and my love for sports continued through highschool at CCDHS.

    My next favorite part about growing up was going to the lake. When summertime rolled around my parents loaded up us 5 kids and we headed to Hell Creek to enjoy part of Fort Peck Lake. I still spend as much time there as I can.

    Catherine Mckenna

    After graduating from CCDHS I moved to Billings, MT to get my cosmetology license. I came back home and put my skills to use at Imagine That Salon as a hairstylist.

    I grew up hearing and eventually participating in conversations about houses. My mom, Nicole Friend worked in real estate for around 10 years as an agent and broker. She had a successful career, and loved her job. We had many conversations about me doing the same, she always told me she just wished she would have started sooner!

    About a year ago Melynda called me up and said she thought I should try my hand at real estate. Flattered by this compliment, and having always had an interest in real estate I was sorry to say that the timing wasn’t right. I had recently gotten the travel bug and was about to take off on an adventure or two… I told her I would dive in when I got back.


    I hopped on a plane and spent 6 weeks backpacking around beautiful Scotland and Ireland. The memories made and experiences I had were priceless. I came back home to recoup and decide where I would go next. Knowing that home would always be here, I decided to try out Phoenix, Arizona to see what big city life was all about. I learned a lot from living in such a busy place; there is so much to do in a city, but sometimes quality matters more than quantity. That is why I decided to settle back into Miles City, surrounded by others who can agree that Montana is the last best place.

    I am proud to be a Montanan and that Miles City is my hometown. I feel fortunate to have grown up in such a great community of family and friends and to be able to help you find houses that you will make into homes!


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